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You are viewing Cheat Codes for James Bond 007: NightFire

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Game Name : James Bond 007: NightFire
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2002-11-30 00:27:44
Views : 18748

To get to the Secret Unlocks screen used in some of the below codes, select the "Codenames" option at the main menu. Select your character, then enter one of the following codes at the "Secret Unlocks" screen. Save your Codename after entering the code. Then, exit your Codename and begin game play.

Level select
Enter "PASSPORT" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Chain Reaction level
Enter "MELTDOWN" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Countdown level
Enter "BLASTOFF" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Equinox level
Enter "VACUUM" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

All gadget upgrades
Enter "Q LAB" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Bigger clip for sniper rifle
Enter "MAGAZINE" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Tranquilizer dart upgrade
Enter "SLEEPY" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen. Your tranquilizer darts will be upgraded so that enemies will stay down longer.

Assassination option in multi-player mode
Enter "TARGET" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Demolition option in multi-player mode
Enter "TNT" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Explosive Scenery option in multi-player mode
Enter "BOOM" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

GoldenEye Strike option in multi-player mode
Enter "ORBIT" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Protect option in multi-player mode
Enter "GUARDIAN" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Team King Of The Hill option in multi-player mode
Enter "TEAMWORK" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Uplink option in multi-player mode
Enter "TRANSMIT" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

All characters in multi-player mode
Enter "PARTY" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Baron Samedi in multi-player mode
Enter "VOODOO" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Bond Tuxedo in multi-player mode
Enter "BLACKTIE" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Christmas Jones in multi-player mode
Enter "NUCLEAR" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Goldfinger in multi-player mode
Enter "MIDAS" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Jaws in multi-player mode
Enter "DENTAL" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Max Zorin in multi-player mode
Enter "BLIMP" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

May Day in multi-player mode
Enter "PHOTON" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Oddjob in multi-player mode
Enter "BOWLER" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Pussy Galore in multi-player mode
Enter "CIRCUS" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Scaramanga in multi-player mode
Enter "ASSASSIN" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Xenia Onatopp in multi-player mode
Enter "JANUS" as a code at the "Secret Unlocks" screen.

Drive a Shelby Cobra
While racing on the Enemies Vanquished level, pause the game, then hold L1 and press Right(2), Left(2), Up, then release L1.

Bonus race
While racing on the Enemies Vanquished level, pause the game, then hold L1 and press Circle(2), Square(2), Triangle, then release L1.

Alpine Escape level rewards
Successfully complete the Alpine Escape level to unlock the Military Snowmobile card, Assassination, Grapple, and Max Zorin in multi-player mode.

Chain Reaction level rewards
Successfully complete the Chain Reaction level to unlock the Rook card and Wai Lin in multi-player mode.

Countdown level rewards
Successfully complete the Countdown level to unlock the Drake card and Explosive Scenery in multi-player mode.

Deep Descent level rewards
Successfully complete the Deep Descent level to unlock the Vanquish Submarine card and Nick Nack in multi-player mode.

Double Cross level rewards
Successfully complete the Double Cross level to unlock the Mayhew card, Uplink multi-player mode, Sniper Rifle upgrade, and Xenia Onatopp in multi-player mode.

Enemies Vanquished level rewards
Successfully complete the Enemies Vanquished level to unlock the Vanquish Car card, Scaramanga and May Day in multi-player mode, and Camera upgrade.

Equinox level rewards
Successfully complete the Equinox level to unlock the James Bond card, GoldenEye Strike multi-player mode, Sniper Rifle upgrade, and Bond Space Suit in multi-player mode.

Island Infiltration level rewards
Successfully complete the Island Infiltration level to unlock the Ultralight card and Protection in multi-player mode.

Night Shift level rewards
Successfully complete the Night Shift level to unlock the Kiko card and Team King Of The Hill in multi-player mode.

Paris Prelude level rewards
Successfully complete the Paris Prelude level to unlock the Dominque card, Jaws and Renard in multi-player mode, and Missile upgrade.

Phoenix Fire level rewards
Successfully complete the Phoenix Fire level to unlock the Alura card and Demolition in multi-player mode.

The Exchange level rewards
Successfully complete The Exchange level to unlock the Zoe Nightshade card, Oddjob and Baron Samedi in multi-player mode, and Pistol upgrade.

Platinum Medals
Successfully complete a level on the 00 Agent difficulty setting to earn the Platinum Medal for it.

Killing guards in Alpine Escape
An easy way to kill the guards that are on the snowmobiles, is to shoot them off, so that the snowmobile is all that remains.

Freeing the first hostage in Double Cross
After getting inside the building, go straight to where you saw one of the girls appear. Kill the man that is holding her so that he cannot shoot the girl. Kill all of the guards and the Geisha girl will be safe.

Freeing the second hostage in Double Cross
Get into the second building. Kill some guards, then go to the kitchen area. Shoot the guard that is holding the hostage so he cannot shoot her. Kill the men to save the Geisha girls. Note: Make sure you also destroy the computer that he asked you to destroy.

Getting inside the party in The Exchange
When you get into the castle walls, kill the two guards. Then, go left into the next room. Kill all of the guards in that room and follow the path. In the next room, go up to the top right stairway and kill the men. Follow the path, then turn right, immediately after you pass the tower wall. Follow the path and it should lead you directly to the stairs that allow you enter the party.

Destroying the helicopter in The Exchange
Using the Guided Missile Launcher, shoot the helicopter near the propeller.

Opening locked door and safe in The Exchange
To open the locked door at the end, press Action on the side of the door. Then, use your laser on your watch to get in. After that, use your laser again to open the safe. The glowing purple sides on the safe are where you need to shoot.

Double pistols in Multi-player mode
Choose multi-player mode and for weapons select Phoenix weapons. You will start with a pistol. Find another and you can use two pistols. Note: You must also be a Phoenix character.

007 icons in Enemies Vanquished
The first 007 icon can be found off to the left side after driving past the first cop car.

The second 007 icon can be found after jumping from the stairway.

The third 007 icon is in the air when you jump from the snow hill, to the ice path.

The forth 007 icon is on the left side of the ice when the path separates into two.

The last 007 icon is somewhere on the big patch of ice when you are trying to dispatch the guards and helicopters.

007 icons in Paris Prelude
The first 007 icon can be found immediately after you use the Q-Smoke. It will be to the left when you are driving.

The second 007 icon is located after the truck blocks the path. Go up the stairs and it will be to your left.

The third 007 icon will be in the air when you jump the little stairway.

The last 007 icon can be found after you use your Q-Boost to get across the bridge.

To get all players in muti-player mode: type in PARTY at the unlocks screen.
(Submitted By: oze)

To get all muti-player games: type in GAMEROOM at the unlocks screen.
(Submitted By: oze)

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